Sunday, February 14, 2016

200 Students Suffer Debilitating Stomach Illness At Pennsylvania College

The cause is still unknown.

Around 200 students at Ursinus College in Pennsylvania came down with a debilitating stomach illness last week that shut down the campus.

Around 200 students at Ursinus College in Pennsylvania came down with a debilitating stomach illness last week that shut down the campus.

Matt Rourke / AP

Students at the college began complaining about diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain on Tuesday night. Classes and weekend events were quickly canceled.

Whether the sickness is a virus or food-related is still under investigation.

A Montgomery County Health Department Report conducted on Wednesday revealed 12 violations at the campus dining hall, including dead bugs, pesticides near food, unclean surfaces, and improper hand washing practices.

In a second inspection the next day, all of the violations had been amended, health officials reported.

Students who suffered from the illness felt better between within 12 to 48 hours, the school said.

Out of an "abundance of caution," the school shutdown the dining hall and canceled classes on Thursday and Friday, but said the school would return to its normal schedule beginning Monday.

Twenty-two students were treated at hospitals last week, but none were admitted.

The nearby Jefferson University Hospital offered Ursinus students free video appointments with doctors through Feb. 29 in light of the illness, school officials said.

Seven additional students fell ill over the weekend.

Ursinus College has an enrollment of 1,681 students and is best known for having been attended for one semester by Catcher In The Rye author J.D. Salinger.

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