Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Amber Heard Withdraws Request For Spousal Support, Citing Media Attacks

Amber Heard leaves court in May 27.

Richard Vogel / AP

Amber Heard filed is withdrawing her request for $20,000 a month in spousal support from estranged husband Johnny Depp, citing a "coordinated and false" negative media campaign meant to depict her as a gold digger.

"In light of the coordinated false and negative media campaign falsely depicting my attempts to attain a CLETS Domestic Violence Order as being financially motivated, I am hereby withdrawing my request," Heard stated in papers filed this week in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Rich Fury / AP

Heard added that she did not want the request for temporary support to "distract and divert the public away from the very real issue of domestic violence."

Shortly after filing for divorce last month, Heard obtained a temporary restraining order against Depp, 52, claiming the actor had been “verbally and physically abusive” during their 15-month marriage.

On Friday, Depp and Heard will face off in family court for what is expected to be a multi-day trial over her request to obtain a permanent restraining order. Both sides are expected to present testimony and witnesses.

Heard defended her original request for support, contending she was well within her right under California law to have demanded $973,744 a month based on published reports that Depp made at least $30 million last year. Heard also maintained her right to reassert her claim for financial support at a later date.

The court, meanwhile, has yet to rule on a request filed by Depp's attorney, Laura Wasser, to bar Heard from presenting any witnesses at the hearing for the permanent restraining order.

LINK: Amber Heard’s Friend Explains Decision Behind Making 911 Call On Johnny Depp

LINK: Amber Heard And Johnny Depp Divorce: What’s At Stake?

LINK: Amber Heard Won’t Be Forced To Testify Before Restraining Order Trial

from BuzzFeed - USNews

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