Monday, July 25, 2016

Sanders Delegate: "It Doesn't Matter" If Some Bernie Supporters Don't Vote For Hillary

Reuters Photographer / Reuters

PHILADELPHIA — The national coordinator for the Bernie Delegates Network said Monday that "it doesn't matter" if supporters of the Vermont senator who are not in a swing state don't vote for Hillary Clinton in November's election.

“No one wants [Donald] Trump in the White House,” Norman Solomon, the national coordinator for more than 1,100 Sanders delegates, said at a news conference. “We will see more people in swing states do what it takes to deny the presidency to Mr. Trump and on the other hand, the states that we know will always go blue, you’re going to see a big push to be free with that vote, including going with the Green doesn't matter in some states. In swing states, hold your nose and vote for Hillary Clinton. In safe states it doesn't matter.”

Solomon, a Sanders delegate from California, said he has not decided how he will vote. He added he's keeping open the option of leaving his ballot blank.

“I have no reason to vote for Clinton because I live in California which is a total lock blue state,” he said.

LINK: “Lock Her Up” Not A “Consensus Sentiment,” Clinton Camp Says After Bernie Voters Take Up GOP Chant

from BuzzFeed - USNews

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