Wednesday, April 12, 2017

New Video Shows United Passenger Arguing With Officers Before Being Dragged Out

“Well, you can then drag me…I’m not going. I’m staying right there,” the man says in new footage that was shot by another passenger and posted online Tuesday.

New footage has emerged showing the United passenger engaged in a confrontation with security officials before they dragged him off the plane in an incident that has sparked worldwide outrage.

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The video was shot by Joya Cummings, one of the passengers sitting directly behind the man, David Dao.

Dao told WLKY that "everything" was injured following the incident, in which his face was bloodied during his forced removal from the aircraft Sunday evening.

Dao was on a flight from Chicago to Louisville when he and his wife were told they would need to give up their seats to make room for United staff who needed to board the flight to Kentucky.

The new video was posted to Facebook on Tuesday night by Cumming's friend and shows what happened before security officials dragged Dao down the aisle after he refused to give up his seat.

The video shows Dao telling the officials, "I won't go. I'm a physician, have to work tomorrow. 8 o'clock."

He is also seen talking on the phone to someone during the confrontation.

In the video, Dao is also heard threatening to file a lawsuit against United if he is forced to get off the flight.

In the video, Dao is also heard threatening to file a lawsuit against United if he is forced to get off the flight.

Joya Cummings / Via Facebook: mark.schlicher

Dao's attorneys filed a petition with the Cook County Circuit Court Wednesday requesting to preserve all potential evidence from the flight, including surveillance video recordings showing passengers boarding the plane. The attorneys also want United's protocol for the removal of passengers, and the personnel files of the officers from the Chicago Department of Aviation who removed Dao from the plane.

A spokeswoman for Dao's attorneys told BuzzFeed News it was "premature" to discuss anything about a potential lawsuit, but added that his lawyers would talk about the case during a news conference scheduled for Thursday morning.

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