Saturday, October 14, 2017

This Local News Segment Is Going Viral And, Honestly, It's The Best Thing To Ever Air On TV

I’ve watched this dozens of times and it keeps getting funnier.

Earlier this week, a man waiting at a drive-thru in Hernando, Mississippi (which is right outside Memphis), filmed what appeared to be a cougar on the prowl.

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Facebook: video.php

"I was out picking up some food at Wendy's in Hernando and this cat walked out of the woods," David Sluder wrote on Facebook on Wednesday. "It is a little hard to see but I can assure you this is not a house cat. It looks to be the same size as a medium to large dog."

Intrepid local TV reporter Scott Madaus was sent to get to the bottom of the story for Fox 13.

Intrepid local TV reporter Scott Madaus was sent to get to the bottom of the story for Fox 13.

On Thursday, he went to interview Sluder, speak with Animal Control, and prepare to go live from the scene.

Facebook: scottmadaus

As the afternoon broadcast went live, here's the absolutely incredible "tease" of the cougar story that viewers saw before a commercial break.

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Facebook: video.php

So, yes, it's safe to say that's not the cougar.

So, yes, it's safe to say that's not the cougar.

Fox 13

"It had come out from this brush from underneath a tree and it was just standing there, staring at me, and I thought how ironic is this that we're doing a story about a 100-pound plus possible cougar and here's this small, little house cat," he said.

Madaus quickly telephoned his producer and told them to cut live to him before the commercial break so he could "tease" his story to viewers with footage of the cat.

"If you look at the video, it's just methodically staring at me," he said of the cat. "He almost turns his head back towards where the cougar was identified, like, 'What did you say?'"

from BuzzFeed - USNews

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