Friday, June 23, 2017

This 11-Year-Old Wrote Her Parents A 6-Page Report On Why She Needs A Cat And Everyone Is Rooting For Her

“I just really want a cat because it would just change my life.”

This is Rimsha, a college student from San Antonio, Texas, and her 11-year-old sister, Romesa. Both sisters have always wanted a cat to call their own, Rimsha told BuzzFeed News.

This is Rimsha, a college student from San Antonio, Texas, and her 11-year-old sister, Romesa. Both sisters have always wanted a cat to call their own, Rimsha told BuzzFeed News.

Their family has had fish and birds before, and had a cat named Pepper for a few months. However, they had to give Pepper away.

Rimsha said she has always begged her parents for a cat, and now her little sister has taken up her cause.

"She had the same love for cats and she really wants to adopt one," she said.

Twitter: @sassysamosa

Recently, Romesa decided to take her pleas up a notch. She wrote her parents a six(!) page report on why they needed to get a cat. She wrote the whole essay in an hour.

Recently, Romesa decided to take her pleas up a notch. She wrote her parents a six(!) page report on why they needed to get a cat. She wrote the whole essay in an hour.

Romesa told BuzzFeed News that her dad has always encouraged her to write reports.

"I thought I would write a report about a cat because that's what I really want," she said.

She added she loves to write, so it was easy to come up with the six pages. She used the internet for research.

Twitter: @sassysamosa

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