Friday, May 8, 2015

A Judge Just Ruled That A Set Of Twin Girls Have Different Fathers

A DNA test showed that the New Jersey mom’s former partner only fathered one of her twin daughters.

Two twin girls in New Jersey were born to different fathers, a New Jersey judge ruled Monday in a child-support case, The Record reported.

Two twin girls in New Jersey were born to different fathers, a New Jersey judge ruled Monday in a child-support case, The Record reported.

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A.S. owes $28 per week in child support, which will only cover the twin he fathered, Passaic County Superior Court Judge Sohail Mohammed ruled, the Associated Press reported.

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T.M. likely ovulated twice in in the same 48 to 72 hour period, and then each egg was fertilized by sperm from a different man, Karl-Hans Wurzinger of LabCorp reportedly told the court. The result is bipaternal twins.

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