Thursday, November 10, 2016

KKK Leader: "We Must Hold Trump's Promises Close"

The Alabama KKK has distributed flyers throughout Birmingham that state: "Get off the fence whitey and join the only group that has ever stood for the white man!"

The flyers warn of an unsafe America on one side: "Black radicals have reverted back to savages and more Muslims arrive daily."

On the other, they state: "This is a mass recruitment drive. No one is being targeted for race, religion, national or sexual orientation" and include the option to opt out of receiving mail from the Klan.

Klan Imperial Wizard of the United Dixie White Knights Brent Waller, whose group is based in Mississippi, told local news site that he awaited President-elect Donald Trump's fulfilling his pledges to build a wall between the US and Mexico and to deport illegal immigrants.

"We must right the ship in the next four years as we may never get another chance to secure a future for our race and children," he said. "We must hold Trump's promises close, and continue on to make damn sure he follows through."

Mississippi residents also posted pictures of flyers distributed in their neighborhoods.

The mayor of Starkville, Mississippi, Park Wiseman, said local police had been investigating the flyers, but they "have not been able to verify the presence of members or material in the community."

The KKK and the United Dixie White Knights Realm of Alabama did not immediately respond to BuzzFeed News' requests for comment.

The surge in the KKK's activity mirrors the emboldened alt-right's glee at Trump's election, and as trolls ramp up throughout the internet's social spaces.

Protesters in Alabama have planned a peaceful rally in response to both the flyers and Trump's election. Jordan Giddens, one of the rally's organizers, told BuzzFeed News that he hoped the rally would show unity.

"People are starting to feel comfortable saying horrible things because of Trump's election," he said. "We're hoping to demonstrate that people, even in Alabama, aren’t so hateful."

He added that the city removed the flyers early in the morning.

The Birmingham mayor's office and police department could not immediately be reached for comment.

from BuzzFeed - USNews

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