Thursday, November 16, 2017

This 22-Year-Old Got A Free Tank Of Gas From A Dude Creeping On Her And Women Are Inspired

“They’re going to get something out of this and I’m gonna get something back.”

Amanda Mills is a 22-year-old from Dallas, Texas. Over the past few years, she has built a considerable Twitter following just by being herself and sharing funny stories.

"I have a crazy life, a lot of weird things happen to me," she told BuzzFeed News.

Instagram: @amills4091

Take for example, what happened to her the other day. Mills says she was waiting in line to pay at the gas station, when a man started hitting on her and calling her cute.

Mills said she likes to give guys a hard time when they hit on her. For example, she said she has asked guys for free pizzas when they slide into her DMs (and they delivered!).

So, she decided to ask the man, "cute enough for you to fill my tank?"

To her surprise, she said he cut her in line and paid for her gas, a bill she estimates at about $34.

"I was joking, I did not think he was going to say yes," she said.

Mills said she said "thanks" and got out of there. Funnily enough, she was heading to the house of a guy she was seeing at the time.

"I basically finessed another man to pay for my gas to get there," she said.

Instagram: @amills4091

Mills said she feels like her story is something a lot of women can relate to, because "the last thing you want is some random guy to come up to you and bug you."

"They're going to get something out of this and I'm gonna get something back," she said.

from BuzzFeed - USNews

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