Wednesday, February 14, 2018

7 Portraits That Show Just How Annoying Relationships Can Be

Corina and Nick — "Tornado"

Corina and Nick — "Tornado"

“In a typical relationship you try to work out problems. In mine, apparently, we take photos of them." —Nick

Corina Marie

Corina Marie's photo series #relationshipgoals began with a self-portrait showing her sleeping habits and their effect on her husband, Nick. When she decided to turn it into a series, she sought out other couples to capture their struggles as well: "Our lives are awash with images portraying a shallow idea of the 'ideal relationship,' but the truth of any long-term commitment is that it's equal parts love and massive side-eye. It's not always picture-perfect, it's not necessarily sexy, it's just life."

Laura and Craig — "Loudmouth"

Laura and Craig — "Loudmouth"

"It annoys us both that we talk through movies. Craig likes to explain things about what we're seeing and I love to ask questions he doesn't have the answer to. This is why we see so many movies in a movie theater. It's the best way to keep us both quiet." —Laura

When asked why they put up with their partner's annoying behavior: "I’m no picnic either. And she usually has a point." —Craig

Corina Marie

When Marie asked if my fiancé Craig and I would be a part of her series I jumped at the chance. We had just taken engagement photos, where we were on our best behavior...model versions of ourselves. I liked the idea of having a photo that was a more realistic representation of our true relationship.

Johnny and Andrew - 'D'oh Nut'

Johnny and Andrew - 'D'oh Nut'

"It's not his fault he has the metabolic rate of a lab rat and who am I tell tell anyone what they can or cannot eat. As a trainer, I've learned that makes an unsuccessful relationship between any two people." —Johnny

"It annoys me when Johnny uses his nutrition app to scan everything he eats, especially when we are out for dinner on a date." —Andrew

Corina Marie

Bryan and Sandra — "Multitasker"

Bryan and Sandra — "Multitasker"

When asked why they put up with their partner's annoying behavior: "Because I love him. He’s worth it and he tries to be better and always improves. Besides, I'm sure as hell ain’t perfect. We all have annoying behaviors. With great arguments comes great...! —Sandra

Corina Marie

Ada and Chris — "Party Monster"

Ada and Chris — "Party Monster"

"Sometimes he falls asleep in the middle of a party. But I think that's kinda cute. Back in the day, when we were MySpace friends — Yes! We met on MySpace! — I recall being very impressed by a picture he posted of himself asleep while standing up. I remember thinking, Wow. I gotta meet this guy! This guy's got mad party skills." - Ada

When asked why they put up with their partner's annoying behavior: "Aside from not letting me know about parties, dinner dates, birthdays, etc. until about an hour before they happen? Absolutely nothing." —Chris

Corina Marie

Ava and Max — "Thief"

Ava and Max — "Thief"

"He eats. A lot. He's never full. That's dramatic but it feels true sometimes. Secretly my eyes are far bigger than my stomach. I'm jealous." —Ava

Corina Marie

Irene and Trevor — "Rose Petals"

Irene and Trevor — "Rose Petals"

Why do they put up with their partner's behavior? "Because I can't hold her colon against her." —Trevor

"He claims I do this, but he's much worse — the stink bombs he'll leave in the bathroom after he uses it. We have a whole system set up after each person uses the bathroom: We light some palo santo, turn on the air purifier, and if it's really bad, burn some candles." —Irene

Corina Marie

To see more of Corina Marie's work, check out her website and Instagram.

from BuzzFeed - USNews

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