Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Harvard Professor Received An Anti-Semitic Note That Said "Drain The Swamp"

Sanford Levinson, a constitutional law scholar, received a letter that called him a “kike” and said, “We’re gonna drain the swamp at Harvard Law.”

The note read, "You just got your ass kicked kike." It ended with "Juden Raus" a German phrase that translates to "Jews out," referring to the name of an infamous Nazi-era board game with the theme of deporting German Jews.

The note read, "You just got your ass kicked kike." It ended with "Juden Raus" a German phrase that translates to "Jews out," referring to the name of an infamous Nazi-era board game with the theme of deporting German Jews.

The anti-Semitic note was shared on social media by his wife, Cynthia Levinson, who wrote, "This has never happened before in my lifetime."

In a following Facebook post, she wrote, "We are fine, just angry, like you. The message was not personal. It targeted a minority group and, therefore, all minority groups. We support each other by exposing and condemning the venom."


"It is Trump who opened the gates for this kind of language in public that hasn't been seen in a while," Professor Levinson said.

"It is Trump who opened the gates for this kind of language in public that hasn't been seen in a while," Professor Levinson said.

When he first saw the note, Levinson said he felt "dismay" and found it "disturbing," but also "fundamentally bizarre" because it appeared to have been mailed to him from the UK.

While there was no direct evidence linking the note to a Trump supporter, Levinson said there was "certainly a correlation" as Trump had reached out "more directly and politically to the kind of nationalist sentiment in Europe." Levinson highlighted Trump's suggestion that the British government appoint Nigel Farage, the controversial leader of UK's anti-immigrant UKIP party, as ambassador to the US.

He said that the use of "Juden Raus" was "interesting in its use of German and the conscious imitation of Naziism."

Levinson said that he did not feel threatened by the note, which he reported to the Harvard Law School; the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is tracking hate crimes since the election; and the Anti-Defamation League. He said that he had spoken to a Harvard police officer on Monday.

"The people I really fear for are immigrants in the US, particularly Muslims," Levinson said. "They're the people, I think, who have a legitimate reason to feel genuinely threatened and scared."

Harvard Law School did not immediately return BuzzFeed News' request for comment.


from BuzzFeed - USNews

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