Monday, December 19, 2016

People Love This Girl's Joyful Response To Her Boyfriend Gifting Her An Empty Box

Some are now pulling “empty box” stunts on their significant others…with varying results.

This is 21-year-old Braxton Sislo from New Orleans. He met his girlfriend, a 20-year-old Canadian named Ray, on Twitter, so it seems fairly appropriate their relationship has garnered a bit of a following on the platform.

This is 21-year-old Braxton Sislo from New Orleans. He met his girlfriend, a 20-year-old Canadian named Ray, on Twitter, so it seems fairly appropriate their relationship has garnered a bit of a following on the platform.

Braxton Sislo

"Oh maybe Ray can use this for stuff," Sislo said he thought. So he texted his girlfriend a photo of it and explained "it's just a box."

"Oh maybe Ray can use this for stuff," Sislo said he thought. So he texted his girlfriend a photo of it and explained "it's just a box."

Braxton Sislo

Sislo thought his girlfriend would respond a simple "thanks" to the gesture. But instead, Ray was not only grateful, but she seemed genuinely elated and excited about the box.

Sislo thought his girlfriend would respond a simple "thanks" to the gesture. But instead, Ray was not only grateful, but she seemed genuinely elated and excited about the box.

"I was both surprised and not surprised by her reaction," Sislo told BuzzFeed News.

"She's always been a woman that is grateful for the little things... But at the same time I wasn't expecting all of that," he said, laughing.

Braxton Sislo

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