Thursday, March 1, 2018

This Guy Learned The Hard, Dangerous Way To Approach A Popular Wine Hack On YouTube Super Carefully


Lawrence Guo, 20-year-old from San Leandro, California, was hanging out with a friend on Tuesday night when he tried opening a bottle of rosé and the corkscrew broke.

Lawrence Guo, 20-year-old from San Leandro, California, was hanging out with a friend on Tuesday night when he tried opening a bottle of rosé and the corkscrew broke.

Lawrence Guo

Guo recalled watching a video on YouTube about alternative ways to uncork wine. One of the "hacks" involved taking a blowtorch to the neck of the bottle. And while this one isn't the one he watched, there are plenty of similar YouTube videos and social media posts.

Guo told BuzzFeed News they first tried it with a lighter, but since the flame was not strong enough, they went with...the kitchen stove.

Guo told BuzzFeed News they first tried it with a lighter, but since the flame was not strong enough, they went with...the kitchen stove.

Twitter: @bdlawr

And on a low-medium heat, he and his friend slowly tilted the neck of the bottle toward the flame...

And on a low-medium heat, he and his friend slowly tilted the neck of the bottle toward the flame...

Twitter: @bdlawr

As you can see, a stove top wasn't exactly a proper substitute for a blowtorch used in a controlled setting, for a controlled amount of time, in those YouTube "hack" videos. And the results were disastrous.

"I expected the cork to come out of the neck of the bottle before the glass exploded," Guo said. "I assumed it may have been from thermal shock and glass molecules expanded at a high rate due to the heat, or from the vapor pressure build-up from the liquid 'cause there was some condensation on the bottle at the top."

Extremely fortunately, Guo and his friend did not sustain any serious injuries. The bottle did, however, shatter immediately in half. "We were like, 'Holy crap,'" he said.

Extremely fortunately, Guo and his friend did not sustain any serious injuries. The bottle did, however, shatter immediately in half. "We were like, 'Holy crap,'" he said.

"I posted it because we thought it was, like, an 'Oh shoot, we could have died or gotten hurt' type of moment and wanted to share it."

Lawrence Guo

"We tried everything we could to open it, but the cork wouldn’t budge," he said, adding, "I would advise to wear some better protective gear covering vital body parts if this were to be replicated."

from BuzzFeed - USNews

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