Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A "Serial Tickler" Is Breaking Into Boston Homes And Terrorizing Students' Feet

It’s no laughing matter. OK, maybe a little bit.

Boston College, Gary Wayne Gilbert

A man has been breaking into students' homes near Boston College and tickling their feet in the middle of the night, police and several alleged victims confirmed to Boston.com.

Long believed to be a myth, the Boston Tickler has struck at least 10 times around Chestnut Hill, Mass., with three students claiming to have an encounter with him on April 7 alone.

"This is no myth," Sergeant Michael O'Hara told the news site. "It's happening."

Boston College students have reported seeing the Tickler over the last two years, describing him as a 5-foot-8-inch black male in dark clothing and a hoodie, police said. Some reported seeing the man watching them through their windows while he "committed a sex act."

Junior Daniel Marenzi said he had an October encounter with the stealthy tickle fiend.

"I thought my friend was just trying to annoy me, but I soon realized it wasn't anyone I knew," Marenzi was quoted as saying. "I freaked out and sat up but he was already on the way out."

The tickling stranger seems to have no interest in stealing from his victims, but sneaks in during the middle of the night and hones in on their bare feet.

Junior Teddy Raddell said after his roommate woke up with his feet being tickled, he heard someone running down the stairs. But nothing had been stolen by the intruder, Raddell said.

"The guy didn't take anything and there were laptops and wallets out in the main room," he said.

One cause for worry is that many students in the quiet neighborhood leave their doors unlocked, Sergeant O'Hara said.

"Absolutely students should be concerned," he said. "You don't know what this guy is going to do or if he has a weapon. You need to lock your doors. It's not as safe as you think."

from BuzzFeed - Breaking http://ift.tt/1tldimr

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